Saturday, August 27, 2011

quote unquote

what we create within us is always mirrored outside of us.

- shakti gawain, author of "creative visualization"
(source of the above quote: @ShaktiGawainOne)

i first learned of this book while reading "the artist's way" by julia cameron. the spiritual quotes that spoke to me the most were hers. my dear friend sheereen, whom i spoke to about my discovery of shakti gawain, bought "creative visualization" for of the best gifts i've ever received. in fact, this is probably as good a time as any for a refresher.

what i find interesting is how much of a sting i get from the quote above. and if you apply it to your own life, i'm sure you'll feel just as uneasy. i interpret this quote to mean "there are no victims." whatever has manifested in your life began with you and me. no person or nothing "out there." this quote challenges us to reflect on our choices, intentions, actions and take the sole responsibility for our circumstances. uh yeah exactly...OUCH!

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