Thursday, June 30, 2011

my life in love

always crazy, always unbelievable, always tempestuous
always passionate, but never quite real as evidenced by the hollywood movie ending. juicy but devoid of substance. magical yet destructive. dreamy but ultimately painful.
a vicious cycle of unhealthy decisions, un-rooted expectations and turning point revelations and realities staring me right in the face. all along, these things were what they were, i just chose to see otherwise.
and in the end, i’m left with one thing....myself
and the hope that one day i will love me enough to expect only that which i deserve.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

quote unquote

All is well. You did not come here to fix a broken world. The world is not broken.
You came here to live a wonderful life. And if you can learn to relax a little and
let it all in, you will begin to see the universe present you with all that you
have asked for.

- Esther Hicks, best-selling spiritual author and speaker.