Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today is Turkey Day, and I've been spending the whole day back home with my family.  There are so many things to be grateful for this year.  All of my family members are with us and are healthy for the most part.  My grandmother is 95 and three-fourths and as sharp as ever!  It's quite amazing, she's better at remembering names and the turn of events than I am.  In fact, half the time I can't keep up with her stories and have to ask about 10 follow-up questions for clarity. 

At dinner, I got the biggest chuckle because she lit up showing us everything she's "collected" from her assisted living home that the other residents don't use.  She pulled out from her bag of goodies: tea, tissues and cereal.  It was funny to see her in action...a cross between an auctioneer and your local street hustler.  She's extraordinarily skilled at not wasting a dime (read: cheap...oh er uh i meant fiscally responsible). 

Me, on the other hand...I've been admiring my new calgel manicure that I got yesterday before leaving the city - $78 of pure fabulosity.  New obsession alert!  Especially since I'm prone to nail biting, peeling, picking when random thoughts, what ifs, and "i need to's" visit me and I find myself spirally down into the land of anxiety.  Check out  If you ever take a visit, see Leela...she's the bomb diggity.

So on this day, I'm thankful for many many things but especially my family, my Grandma, and my fresh glittery calgel mani.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The idea of DAY 1...

today i created my own blog.

i have a blog with my actors' group - Kaleidoscope Actors (feel free to take a looky, but this is my very own blog.  i've been thinking of blogging for who-knows-how-long, and i just kept shying away from it...for a host of reasons that maybe i'll share another day.  bare with me, starting this blog alone is a huge step into crossing over that proverbial line of fear.

this is my first step into a new philosophy i'm trying out...the idea of DAY 1.  we get so stressed out, overwhelmed, discouraged, fearful about the prevents us from making a decision today in the direction of where we ultimately want to be tomorrow.  so instead of worrying about what i'll write about tomorrow or what i'll end up saying here that's way TMI or whatever the constant stream of thoughts in my head leads me to next...i'm just grateful that i took this first DAY 1.