Sunday, September 4, 2011

the gift of beyonce

by now everyone knows who beyonce is. her star has shown brightly all over the world a million times over. she is so huge in fact that her pregnancy announcement had as much impact in the same week as the 5.8 earthquake we experienced here on the east coast AND hurricane irene. 
i love beyonce. all of her...her music, her drive, her spirit, her dedication to her family and the way she’s been able to balance being the biggest singer of this generation along with maintaining a personal life and relationship with the equally biggest rapper/businessman of our generation. but what’s most interesting to me about beyonce is her dream actualization.
i am obsessed with shakti gawain’s book “creative visualization.” i reference it when i feel i need a refresher in the art of conscious dreaming. while the majority of us look at celebs and compare our “mundane” lives to theirs and live vicariously through them, i think the real gift of stardom is that it shows the rest of us what’s possible. okay no, there is absolutely no way i’m coming for beyonce in any way shape or form, but the way she lives her life is a testimony for creative visualization. this is where beyonce really shines and exhibits her true power. she could (and should) write a book on the subject. 
so many spiritual leaders will tell you plain and simple that everything begins with what’s going on inside of us. for beyonce to live the life we’ve witnessed for the past 10+ years, a larger-than-life existence that started with music and has grown into a fashion and lifestyle empire, just imagine what thoughts, dreams, affirmations, intentions she has swirling around in that gorgeous head of hers on a day-to-day basis. she is operating on a high vibrational frequency where pretty much anything she touches turns to gold and any dream she imagines for herself is actualized for all of us to see and be inspired by. 
mastin kipp of “the daily love” website writes ”we can literally create (from the inside out) any type of experience we wish to choose. it is when our desires, our thoughts and our actions are in alignment that this kind of life begins to emerge.” 
in theory, we understand this concept but in reality, how do we get past those unaffirmative and self-effacing thoughts that are so ingrained in us from childhood, family conditioning, and less-than-ideal life experiences. i think it starts with re-programming our minds one day at a time...creative visualization.

congrats to beyonce and jay-z on their pregnancy!
and...happy 30th birthday bey!

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